

Trains and ROSS

View the Project on GitHub mesflores/capacity

23 December 2019

Reverse Handlers Pt. 2

by Marcel Flores

Unsurprisingly, debugging reverse handlers is difficult. After many months of digging around, I’ve finally been able to work the reverse handlers, and their associated components into decent order. Below, I discuss a number of the unexpected challenges that made the process difficult.

The State Machine Knows

The first such issue comes from the complexity of optimistic misses. In particular, in the process of playing messages in a causation-inappropriate order that will later be reversed, the simulator will sometimes play a message that defies the current expected state of one of the processors. For example, a train may receive an ACK from a station it doesn’t think that it’s sent a TRAIN_ARRIVE to.

Initial attempts to deal with this scenario involved trying to make the state machine robust to such errors, essentially ignoring such messages. However, this appeared to result in state machines (both trains and stations) that simply stopped responding, as they reached unrecoverable states.

Ultimately, the solution came directly from ROSS, which is entirely equipped to handle such scenarios. In particular, ROSS has a function tw_lp_suspend(), which indicates that an LP has reached an untenable status and suspends execution until things are unwound.

Bad Input

Another significant issue came from problems with the input data: in this case the list of routes extracted from the GTFS data. In particular, the set of data I was testing with appeared to contain a set of near duplicate runs. While the existing parser filters for duplicates, it only removed exact matches: these duplicates featured identical starting times and stations, but about halfway through the run one version was a minute slower than the other.1

Ultimately, this created a strange tie for the simulator, and while the sequential execution sorted this deterministically, the optimistic did not, resulting in occasional mismatches.

Currently, this issue has been solved by relaxing the match conditions on the de-duplication in the GTFS parsing. Ideally, it might be best to do this within Capacity itself. For now, however, I’ve opted to keep the parsing code as simple as possible in the main program.

Update: I need to redact my claim of any issue with the GTFS! This was the result of a sneaky bug in my parsers for the calendar_dates.txt file, which assumed that the service_id field was a unique-key in that context. It very much is not!

Too Many LPs

In the process of debugging the above issues, I started to suspect that the number of LPs was untenable. In particular, the original implementation simply assigned each route to its own LP. This appeared to make a mess at the very start, as every single route (about 19k for the test set) attempted to arrive at their initial station immediately. However, since these arrivals were spread out over 2 weeks of simulation time, this resulted in significant contention and rollback.

To deal with this, I implemented a simple scheduling algorithm that assigned as many routes as possible to each LP (avoiding overlaps). This reduced the number of LPs to about 270. Unfortunately I still seem to be creating a mess for ROSS, as it reports an efficiency of -2800%, which seems bad and appears to result in optimistic computation taking substantially longer than sequential.

Now that things appear a bit more stable before, it’s time to work on massaging things a bit better into the world of ROSS. In particular, in understanding how I can adjust the LP assignment, state machine design, and other components to improve the performance and begin collecting meaningful metrics.

  1. ~In the LA Metro data, this appeared in the 3rd week in December on the Gold line departing Atlantic.~] 
